Vanguard is Wrong About International Bonds
Anyone who has talked to me about investing knows that I am a big fan of Vanguard. My wife and I have all our accounts with Vanguard; all our children, including our three week old, have Vanguard accounts; and every member of our family has a Vanguard hat. Vanguard is the first, and, in most cases the only investment company I recommend. They are the pioneers of low cost index funds and they still do it as well or better than anyone else. Anyone who talks to me about investing also knows that I believe investing should be as simple as possible. Which is why I’m attracted to Vanguard Target Retirement funds and LifeStrategy Funds. Target Retirement Funds are a common offering in many 401k plans. They offer a single fund with a diversified asset mix which automatically adjusts to become more conservative as an investor approaches retirement. An investor simply chooses the Target Retirement Fund closest to their planned retirement year and focuses on saving as much as they reas...